Update Label Continuously With Glib Timout

Python gi.repository.GLib.timeout_add() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of gi.repository.GLib.timeout_add() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module gi.repository.GLib , or try the search function .

Example #1

def _update_overlay(self, auto = False):         ffbmeter_overlay = self.ffbmeter_overlay.get_active()         wheel_range_overlay = self.get_wheel_range_overlay()         if ffbmeter_overlay or wheel_range_overlay == 'always' or (wheel_range_overlay == 'auto' and auto):             if not self.overlay_window.props.visible:                 self.overlay_window.show()             if not self.ffbmeter_timer and self.overlay_window.props.visible and ffbmeter_overlay:                 GLib.timeout_add(250, self.update_ffbmeter_overlay)             if ffbmeter_overlay:                 self._ffbmeter_overlay.show()             else:                 self._ffbmeter_overlay.hide()             if wheel_range_overlay == 'always' or (wheel_range_overlay == 'auto' and auto):                 self._wheel_range_overlay.show()             else:                 self._wheel_range_overlay.hide()          else:             self.overlay_window.hide()          

Example #2

def _gtk_configure(self, widget, event):         def resize(*args):             self._resize_timer_id = None             width, height = self._window.get_size()             columns = width // self._cell_pixel_width             rows = height // self._cell_pixel_height             if self._screen.columns == columns and self._screen.rows == rows:                 return             self._bridge.resize(columns, rows)          if not self._screen:             return         if event.width == self._pixel_width and \            event.height == self._pixel_height:             return         if self._resize_timer_id is not None:             GLib.source_remove(self._resize_timer_id)         self._resize_timer_id = GLib.timeout_add(250, resize)          

Example #3

def on_btn_start_clicked(self, _widget):         """Handle btn_start.clicked event."""         seconds = int(self.adj_seconds.get_value())         self.spawn_process.spawn('iperf -s -xS -yC'.split(),                                  timeout=(seconds + 3),                                  lines_max=2*len(self.clients))         for client in self.clients:             handle = self.clients[client][0]             # Half time for upload speed and half for download             self.execute(handle, 'start_benchmark %d' % int(seconds/2))         self.timeleft = seconds         self.box_seconds.set_visible(False)         self.box_countdown.set_visible(True)         self.btn_start.set_visible(False)         self.btn_stop.set_visible(True)         self.lbl_countdown.set_text(_("Benchmark finishing in %d seconds...")                                     % self.timeleft)         self.countdown_event = GLib.timeout_add(1000, self.update_countdown)          

Example #4

def connect(self):         """Handle btn_action clicked when it's in the Connect state."""         self.host = self.ent_host.get_text().strip()         pid = os.getpid()          share_terminal = self.cmb_method.get_active() != 0         if share_terminal:             cmd = ['xterm', '-e', os.path.dirname(__file__) +                    '/share-terminal', self.host]             subprocess.Popen(cmd)             self.on_btn_close_clicked(None)             return          cmd = ['x11vnc', '-q', '-nopw', '-connect_or_exit', self.host,                '-afteraccept', 'kill -USR1 {}'.format(pid)]         self.proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd)          # Set the status as "Connecting"         if self.retry_timeout_id:             GLib.source_remove(self.retry_timeout_id)             self.retry_timeout_id = None         self.set_state('connecting')          # Start polling the process every 1 second to see if it's still alive         GLib.timeout_add(1000, self.poll_process)          

Example #5

def assert_valid_output_file(output_video_location):     '''     Given a file, validates it is a video (mp4) file     '''     import gi     gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')     from gi.repository import Gst, GLib      Gst.init(None)     mainloop = GLib.MainLoop()      # We create a pipeline so that we can read the file and check it:     pipeline = Gst.ElementFactory.make("playbin")     pipeline.set_property('uri','file://'+output_video_location)     playsink = pipeline.get_by_name('playsink')     playsink.set_property('video-sink', Gst.ElementFactory.make('fakesink'))     pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED)      def after_a_second():         assert pipeline.get_state(0).state == Gst.State.PAUSED         element = pipeline.get_by_name('inputselector1')         caps = element.get_static_pad('src').get_current_caps()         assert caps.to_string() == 'audio/x-raw, format=(string)F32LE, layout=(string)interleaved, rate=(int)48000, channels=(int)2, channel-mask=(bitmask)0x0000000000000003'          element = pipeline.get_by_name('inputselector0')         caps = element.get_static_pad('src').get_current_caps()         assert caps.to_string() == 'video/x-raw, format=(string)NV12, width=(int)640, height=(int)360, interlace-mode=(string)progressive, multiview-mode=(string)mono, multiview-flags=(GstVideoMultiviewFlagsSet)0:ffffffff:/right-view-first/left-flipped/left-flopped/right-flipped/right-flopped/half-aspect/mixed-mono, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1, chroma-site=(string)jpeg, colorimetry=(string)bt601, framerate=(fraction)30/1'          pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL)         mainloop.quit()      GLib.timeout_add(1000, after_a_second)     mainloop.run()          

Example #6

def rebuild(self):         """         Rebuild.         """         if not self.active:             return # Don't rebuild, we are hidden.         if self.load < 3: # avoid to load the database twice             return         self.total = self.dbstate.db.get_number_of_people()         self._erase_name_selection()         active = self.get_active()         if active != "":             self.on_draw_ok = -1             self.people, self.families, self.layers = self.read_data(active)             self.canvas.queue_draw()             self.canvas.grab_focus()             # We need to wait on_draw is called to draw path lines.             self.on_draw_ok = 0             GLib.timeout_add(int(200), self.after_on_draw_on_rebuild)          

Example #7

def show_family_name(self, handle, event):         """         Popup menu for node (family).         """         if handle:             family = self.dbstate.db.get_family_from_handle(handle)         else:             return False          if family:             if not self.timeout:                 self.save_tooltip = handle                 self.scrolledwindow.set_property("has-tooltip", True)                 tooltip = self.get_family_name(handle)                 self.scrolledwindow.set_tooltip_text(tooltip)                 self.timeout = GLib.timeout_add(3*1000, self.remove_tooltip)             elif handle != self.save_tooltip:                 self.save_tooltip = handle                 GLib.source_remove(self.timeout)                 tooltip = self.get_family_name(handle)                 self.scrolledwindow.set_tooltip_text(tooltip)                 self.timeout = GLib.timeout_add(3*1000, self.remove_tooltip)          

Example #8

def run(self):             self.loop = GLib.MainLoop()              if self.config.notifications:                 try:                     notify2.init("pantalaimon", mainloop=self.loop)                     self.notifications = True                 except dbus.DBusException:                     logger.error(                         "Notifications are enabled but no notification "                         "server could be found, disabling notifications."                     )                     self.notifications = False              GLib.timeout_add(100, self.message_callback)             if not self.loop:                 return              self.loop.run()          

Example #9

def on_touch(self, widget, event):         """Clear mouse connection when touching screen.          This stops calling the ButtonX bindings when using the touch screen.         Reasoning: We do not want to e.g. move to the next image when trying to             zoom in.         """         try:             self._app["window"].disconnect_by_func(self.on_click)         # Was already disconnected         except TypeError:             pass         if self._timer_id_touch:             GLib.source_remove(self._timer_id_touch)         self._timer_id_touch = GLib.timeout_add(5, self._reconnect_click)         return True          

Example #10

def timer(self, name, delay, callback, *data, **kwdata): 		""" 		Runs callback after specified number of seconds. Uses 		GLib.timeout_add_seconds with small wrapping to allow named 		timers to be canceled by reset() call 		""" 		method = GLib.timeout_add_seconds 		if delay < 1 and delay > 0: 			method = GLib.timeout_add 			delay = delay * 1000.0 		if name is None: 			# No wrapping is needed, call GLib directly 			method(delay, callback, *data, **kwdata) 		else: 			if name in self._timers: 				# Cancel old timer 				GLib.source_remove(self._timers[name]) 			# Create new one 			self._timers[name] = method(delay, self._callback, name, callback, *data, **kwdata)          

Example #11

def enable_all_plots(self, *args):         self.plotcanvas.clear()         self.set_progress_bar(0.1, "Re-plotting...")          def worker_task(app_obj):             percentage = 0.1             try:                 delta = 0.9 / len(self.collection.get_list())             except ZeroDivisionError:                 GLib.timeout_add(300, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, ""))                 return             for obj in self.collection.get_list():                 obj.options['plot'] = True                 obj.plot()                 percentage += delta                 GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(percentage, "Re-plotting..."))              GLib.idle_add(app_obj.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes)             GLib.timeout_add(300, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, ""))          # Send to worker         self.worker.add_task(worker_task, [self])          

Example #12

def on_update_plot(self, widget):         """         Callback for button on form for all kinds of objects.         Re-plots the current object only.          :param widget: The widget from which this was called. Ignored.         :return: None         """          obj = self.collection.get_active()         obj.read_form()          self.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Plotting...")          def thread_func(app_obj):             assert isinstance(app_obj, App)             obj.plot()             GLib.timeout_add(300, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "Idle"))          # Send to worker         self.worker.add_task(thread_func, [self])          

Example #13

def on_pane_event(self, widget, evt):         """ Signal handler for gtk.paned events.          This function allows one to delay drawing events when resizing, and to speed up redrawing when         moving the middle pane is done (which happens at the end of a mouse resize)          Args:             widget (:class:`~Gtk.Widget`):  the widget in which the event occurred (ignored)             evt (:class:`~Gdk.Event`):  the event that occurred         """         if type(evt) == Gdk.EventButton and evt.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_RELEASE:             self.redraw_panes()         elif type(evt) == GObject.GParamSpec and evt.name == "position":             self.resize_panes = True             if self.redraw_timeout:                 GLib.Source.remove(self.redraw_timeout)             self.redraw_timeout = GLib.timeout_add(200, self.redraw_panes)       ############################################################################     ############################  Program lifetime  ############################     ############################################################################          

Example #14

def state_loop(self, scroll_scale=None, delay=16):  # 16ms ~ 60hz         # Remove any pending callbacks         if self.timeout_id:             GLib.source_remove(self.timeout_id)             self.timeout_id = None          # Set scroll scale if specified, and the state is not dirty         if not self.state_discard_read and scroll_scale not in (None, self.scroll_scale):             self.scroll_scale = scroll_scale             if self.scroll_scale != -1:                 self.emit("scroll-scale-changed", self.scroll_scale)         self.state_discard_read = False          # Handle the current state         if not self.state_loaded or self.state_load_failed or self.state_waiting:             return         elif self.state_dirty or delay == 0:             self.sync_scroll_scale(self.scroll_scale, self.state_dirty)             self.state_dirty = False         else:             self.timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(delay, self.state_loop, None, 0)          

Example #15

def play(self):         if self.uri.endswith(".MP4"):             self.is_playing = True         else:             self.is_playing = False         cli.log.info(_("play"))         self.player.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING)          # starting up a timer to check on the current playback value         GLib.timeout_add(1000, self.update_slider)          

Example #16

def delayed_signal(delay=500): 	""" 	A decorator to delay the execution of a signal handler to aggregate emission 	into a single event. This can for example be used to run a handler when a 	:py:class:`Gtk.Entry` widget's ``changed`` signal is emitted but not after 	every single key press meaning the handler can perform network operations to 	validate or otherwise process input.  	.. note:: 		The decorated function **must** be a method. The wrapper installed by 		this decorator will automatically add an attribute to the class to track 		invoked instances to ensure the timeout is respected.  	.. versionadded:: 1.14.0  	:param int delay: The delay in milliseconds from the original emission 		before the handler should be executed. 	""" 	def decorator(function): 		src_name = '__delayed_source_' + function.__name__ 		@functools.wraps(function) 		def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): 			def new_function(self, *args, **kwargs): 				setattr(self, src_name, None) 				return function(self, *args, **kwargs) 			src = getattr(self, src_name, None) 			if src is not None: 				return 			src = GLib.timeout_add(delay, new_function, self, *args, **kwargs) 			setattr(self, src_name, src) 		return wrapped 	return decorator          

Example #17

def run(self, *args):         GLib.timeout_add(1000, self.callback, *args)         GLib.timeout_add(500, self.blinking)         Gtk.main()          

Example #18

def set_btn_input(self, index, value, wait = None):         if wait != None:             GLib.timeout_add(wait, lambda index=index, value=value: GLib.idle_add(self.set_btn_input, index, value) & False)         else:             GLib.idle_add(self.btn_input[index].set_value, value)          

Example #19

def _start_blinking(self):         def blink(*args):             self._blink = not self._blink             self._screen_invalid()             self._blink_timer_id = GLib.timeout_add(500, blink)         if self._blink_timer_id:             GLib.source_remove(self._blink_timer_id)         self._blink = False         blink()          

Example #20

def got_thumbshot(self, handle, reply):         """Callback after running`thumbshot` on a client."""         for i in self.cstore:             if handle == i[C_SESSION_HANDLE]:                 # We want to ask for thumbshots every 5 sec after the last one.                 # So if the client is too stressed and needs 7 secs to                 # send a thumbshot, we'll ask for one every 12 secs.                 GLib.timeout_add(5000, self.ask_thumbshot, handle)                 LOG.d("I got a thumbshot from %s." % handle)                 if not reply:                     return                 try:                     rowstride, size, pixels = reply.split(b'\n', 2)                     rowstride = int(rowstride)                     width, height = [int(i) for i in size.split(b'x')]                 except ValueError:                     LOG.e("Bad thumbshot header")                     return                 # GLib.Bytes.new and .copy() avoid memory leak and crash (#110)                 pxb = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_bytes(                     GLib.Bytes.new(pixels), GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, False, 8,                     width, height, rowstride)                 pxb = pxb.copy()                 self.current_thumbshots[handle] = pxb                 self.cstore[i.path][C_PIXBUF] = pxb                 return         # That handle is no longer in the cstore, remove it         if handle in self.current_thumbshots:             del self.current_thumbshots[handle]          

Example #21

def update_and_retry(self, msg, interval):         """Show a "Retrying in 10..." label, and then retry."""         if interval == 0:             self.on_btn_action_clicked(None)         else:             self.lbl_status.set_text(                 msg + ' ' + _('Retrying in %d...') % interval)             self.retry_timeout_id = GLib.timeout_add(                 1000, self.update_and_retry, msg, interval - 1)         return False          

Example #22

def _timer_start(self):         # Need to stop it, otherwise we potentially leak a timer id that will         # never be stopped.         self._timer_stop()         self._timer = GLib.timeout_add(self._interval, self._on_timer)          

Example #23

def _on_timer(self):         TimerBase._on_timer(self)          # Gtk timeout_add() requires that the callback returns True if it         # is to be called again.         if self.callbacks and not self._single:             return True         else:             self._timer = None             return False          

Example #24

def __init__(self):     GLib.set_prgname('kickoff-player')     GLib.set_application_name('Kickoff Player')      add_custom_css('ui/styles.css')      self.argparse = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='kickoff-player')     self.argparse.add_argument('url', metavar='URL', nargs='?', default=None)      self.cache = CacheHandler()     self.data  = DataHandler()      self.scores_api  = ScoresApi(self.data, self.cache)     self.streams_api = StreamsApi(self.data, self.cache)      self.main = Gtk.Builder()     self.main.add_from_file(relative_path('ui/main.ui'))     self.main.connect_signals(self)      self.window        = self.main.get_object('window_main')     self.header_back   = self.main.get_object('header_button_back')     self.header_reload = self.main.get_object('header_button_reload')     self.main_stack    = self.main.get_object('stack_main')      self.player_stack   = self.main.get_object('stack_player')     self.matches_stack  = self.main.get_object('stack_matches')     self.channels_stack = self.main.get_object('stack_channels')      self.matches  = MatchHandler(self)     self.channels = ChannelHandler(self)     self.player   = PlayerHandler(self)      GLib.timeout_add(2000, self.toggle_reload, True)     self.open_stream_url()          

Example #25

def __init__(self, app):     self.app    = app     self.stack  = app.matches_stack     self.filter = None      self.matches = Gtk.Builder()     self.matches.add_from_file(relative_path('ui/matches.ui'))     self.matches.connect_signals(self)      self.matches_box = self.matches.get_object('box_matches')     self.stack.add_named(self.matches_box, 'matches_container')      self.matches_filters = self.matches.get_object('list_box_matches_filters')     self.matches_list    = self.matches.get_object('flow_box_matches_list')     self.matches_list.set_filter_func(self.on_matches_list_row_changed)      self.match = Gtk.Builder()     self.match.add_from_file(relative_path('ui/match.ui'))     self.match.connect_signals(self)      self.match_box = self.match.get_object('box_match')     self.stack.add_named(self.match_box, 'match_container')      self.match_teams   = self.match.get_object('box_match_teams')     self.match_streams = self.match.get_object('list_box_match_streams')      GLib.idle_add(self.do_initial_setup)     GLib.idle_add(self.do_matches_widgets)      GLib.timeout_add(5 * 60000, self.update_live_data)          

Example #26

def on_eventbox_motion_notify_event(self, _widget, _event):     self.toolbar_stick = False      GLib.source_remove(self.toolbar_event)     GLib.idle_add(self.toggle_toolbar, False)      self.toolbar_event = GLib.timeout_add(3000, self.toggle_toolbar, True)          

Example #27

def init(self):         """         Initialize gramplet. Start up update timer.         """         self.limit = 5         # Description, Type, URL, Pretty URL for User         self.feeds = [             ("Gramps Wiki Headline News", "wiki",              (self.RAW % "HeadlineNews"), (self.URL % "HeadlineNews")),             ("Gramps Blog Posts", "rss",              "https://gramps-project.org/introduction-WP/?feed=rss", None),             ("Gramps Bugtracker Issues", "rss",              "https://gramps-project.org/bugs/issues_rss.php?"              "key=ece7d21451d76337acf776c9a4384773", None),             ("Gramps Wiki Changes", "rss",              "https://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title="              "Special:RecentChanges&feed=rss", None), ]         #    # Needs ATOM support to work         #    ("Github Gramps Git Commits", "atom",         #     "https://github.com/gramps-project/gramps/commits/master.atom",         #     None),         #    ("Reddit Gramps - fan-run forum(unofficial)", "atom",         #     "https://www.reddit.com/r/gramps/.rss", None),         #    # Comments no longer used on blog due to SPAM!         #    ("Gramps Blog Comments", "rss",         #     "https://gramps-project.org/introduction-WP/?"         #     "feed=comments-rss2", None),         self.set_tooltip(_("Read Gramps headline news"))         self.update_interval = (3600 * 1000) * 24  # in miliseconds (24 hours)         self.set_use_markup(True)         self.set_wrap(False)         self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded."))         self.timer = GLib.timeout_add(self.update_interval,                                       self.update_by_timer)          

Example #28

def apply_spinner_delayed(self, widget, conf_const):         """         Set params by spinners (generations, spacing).         Use timeout for better interface responsiveness.         """         value = int(widget.get_value())         # try to remove planed event (changing setting)         if self.timeout_event and \                 not self.timeout_event.is_destroyed():             GLib.source_remove(self.timeout_event.get_id())         # timeout saving setting for better interface responsiveness         event_id = GLib.timeout_add(300, self.view._config.set,                                     conf_const, value)         context = GLib.main_context_default()         self.timeout_event = context.find_source_by_id(event_id)          

Example #29

def _timer_start(self):         # Need to stop it, otherwise we potentially leak a timer id that will         # never be stopped.         self._timer_stop()         self._timer = GLib.timeout_add(self._interval, self._on_timer)          

Example #30

def _on_timer(self):         TimerBase._on_timer(self)          # Gtk timeout_add() requires that the callback returns True if it         # is to be called again.         if len(self.callbacks) > 0 and not self._single:             return True         else:             self._timer = None             return False          


Source: https://www.programcreek.com/python/example/88997/gi.repository.GLib.timeout_add

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